5 Natural Solutions To Alleviate Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

These strategies will help you relieve pain and regain mobility.
Carpal tunnel

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a pathology that affects the nerves of the hand caused by compression. With the repetitive movement of the mouse, the tendon tension received by the muscles of the forearm is common.

As a consequence, a compression of the nerve occurs due to the thickening of the sheaths that cover it.

Relieves pain and gains mobility with the help of hydrotherapy

There are some strategies that can help you:

1. Stretches

Practicing stretching from the fingers of the hand to the cervicals allows you to gain flexibility and mobility and reduce pain.

Another solution, although somewhat uncomfortable, is to try to learn to use the mouse with the opposite hand while the other hand recovers.

2. Physiotherapy

Recovery and rehabilitation of the nerve is also important . For this, it is convenient that a physiotherapist give you deep massages in order to undo and reduce possible contractures in the flexor muscles of the hand, decompress the muscular tension of the neck, shoulder and arm, and release the tendon pressure that constricts the nerve and causes pain.

These analgesic massages help blood vascularization and the rehabilitation of muscle fibers.

3. Acupuncture

The acupuncture reduces the pain and stabilizes the decompensated energy. It is an effective solution that reduces discomfort.

4. Contrast hydrotherapy

Contrast hydrotherapy may also be appropriate . It is a solution that reduces inflammation and pain and improves circulation in the hand. To do this, the following guidelines must be followed:

  1. Prepare two containers with very hot and very cold water respectively.
  2. It begins by submerging the hand up to the wrist for 2 minutes without burning.
  3. After 30 seconds in cold water.
  4. The same operation must be repeated at least three times.

5. Arnica oil

After hydrotherapy you can apply arnica oil, which will relieve pain and inflammation. Massage your forearm and wrist in small circles for a few minutes.

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