4 Tonic Plants When You Need A Boost

If returning to the routine is difficult for you, some invigorating and anti-stress plants such as ginseng or rhodiola can be of great help.
Tonic plants

After a few days of vacation and disconnection, returning to the more or less stressful rhythm of studies or work, or the reality of its lack, is difficult for many to cope with. We speak then of post-vacation syndrome, a certain inability to adapt to “normality.”

Sadness, lack of motivation or laziness in assuming obligations preside over the return. But some measures can pave the way, such as planning pleasant activities for the first few days, maintaining healthy habits, avoiding tobacco and reducing alcohol, respecting sleep hours or trying a relaxation technique.

The herbal medicine may also be helpful. These 4 tonic plants can help you when you need a boost.

1. Ginseng

A well-known first plant is Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng) . Its adaptogenic action on the central nervous system allows it to adapt to new or unforeseen situations. It helps to overcome apathy and to stop stress.

You can take the dried root in decoction, two glasses a day, the liquid extract or capsules.

2. Bacopa

Ayurveda offers another plant, bacopa (Bacopa monieri), to combat asthenia, stress and anxiety. In addition, it improves cognitive function. It affects brain neurotransmitters with a neuroprotective, cholinergic and serotinergic action.

Bacopa lifts your spirits and reduces states of mild anxiety and sadness. The flowering summits are used. You can take 500 mg per day in powder, capsules or tablets.

3. Rhodiola

Is another adaptogen Rhodiola or Rhodiola (Sedum roseum) , a nordic and alpine plant also found in the Pyrenees. It has been used to treat stress even in extreme situations. It acts on neurotransmitters and improves concentration power.

It is also an adaptogen, it helps fight asthenia, demotivation and stress. You can consume its root in two decoction glasses, with mint or savory, or 200-600 mg of extract, a day.

4. Savory

Rosemary, sage and especially savory (Satureja montana) also have a mild recovery and tonic effect. A tea with savory and mint can be a good help to face the obligations of the day.

It is a brain, digestive and central nervous system tonic. To take it you can use the flowery tops in infusion, for example in two glasses a day or in liquid extract or tincture. Its flavor is pleasant.

Counseling: JM Teixé, Herbalist at Manantial de Salud

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