3 Protein-rich Shakes

With seeds, nuts, tofu and other supplements you can add protein to your green smoothies and make them more nutritious and filling. You will love these recipes.
High protein shakes

Shakes are a great way to get a good dose of vitamins and minerals quickly and easily. Enriching them with protein will not only make you feel more nourishing and satisfying. It can also be a great option to have as a breakfast or snack within a ketogenic or low carb diet, to replace fluids, minerals and amino acids after exercising or, in general, to meet daily protein requirements.

To add protein to your shakes you can help yourself with nuts, seeds and proteins such as tofu, which is barely noticeable but gives density. Spirulina algae or nutritional yeast can be good complements in this regard. And using non- dairy milk, especially soy milk, instead of water is another way to help increase protein intake. If you need it, you also have very natural and ecological protein powders that you can use.

In the recipes that I will propose, I have chosen three very creamy options: hemp seeds, ideal for sour smoothies, cashews and silky tofu.

And of course, remember that smoothies aren’t just for summer! You can make them with seasonal fruits and vegetables throughout the year. Perhaps in spring and summer the fruit is more abundant than in autumn and winter, but in the cold months we also find wonderful fruits that we can take advantage of. There are also delicious vegetables such as pumpkin, and a lot of green leafy vegetables that, although it is possible that raw is very heavy, it is digested much better in a smoothie.

In shakes we find “predigested” foods, that is, some steps of digestion are skipped, which we remember begins in the mouth. We will skip chewing and also other important and necessary parts, so it is very important to salivate well.

For this reason, I recommend that these nutrient-laden shakes are dense and that you take your time to take them and that the body is receptive to everything it is going to receive. They are still hydrating, but you may need a glass of water after drinking them.

So let’s go for three protein-rich shakes, very nutritious, delicious and healthy: a pumpkin and apple smoothie with cinnamon, another of lamb’s lettuce with berries and ginger, and a third of pomegranate with banana and orange. In some cases, I propose alternatives in case you cannot find the ingredient because it is not in season.

Remember that the shakes must be consumed within two days, even if you keep them in the fridge, so calculate the proportions well so as not to waste food. You can freeze them and shake them again, keeping in mind that they also have a limited life in the freezer.

To benefit from all the nutrients, it is better to consume them at the moment.

1. Pumpkin apple smoothie with tofu

This shake is a version of the Pumpkin Spiced Latte, but with the protein and calcium of the tofu. If you choose a silky tofu, it will be easier to integrate it.

Soy milk provides extra protein to the shake. You can prepare the smoothie without it: you will have a delicious mousse.

Pumpkin is fall and winter at their best. This shake with her as the protagonist is a nice and fresh alternative, or a complement, to your favorite infusions and lattes for this time.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • 500 ml of vegetable soy milk
  • 200 g raw pumpkin
  • 1 Fuji apples
  • 100g silky tofu
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • A pinch of nutmeg
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Sweetener to taste


  1. Peel the pumpkin and dice it.
  2. Do the same with the apple, well washed.
  3. Blend all the ingredients together until you get a smooth and smooth texture.

To be enjoyed at any time of the day, but certainly ideal for a rainy morning or afternoon.

2. Lamb shake with berries and hemp

Lambs are not just for salads! In this recipe you can exchange them for other green leaves such as spinach, borage or kale, but I wanted to give you an idea of ​​a slightly different use. It is a shake packed with vitamins and antioxidants, iron and folic acid, but it also provides you with the complete protein and good quality fatty acids of hemp seeds.

In this type of acidic preparations, hemp seeds are ideal for their neutral flavor and their touch of dried fruit.

Ingredients for 1 serving:

  • 100 g of lamb’s lettuce
  • 2 tablespoons of peeled hemp seeds.
  • 50 g of blueberries or raspberries
  • 1 Granny Smith apple
  • The juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 level teaspoon ground ginger
  • 100 ml of fresh water


  1. Wash the lamb’s lettuce well
  2. Make the lemon juice at the moment
  3. Peel the apple if it is not eco-friendly and dice it.
  4. Beat all the ingredients together except the lamb’s lettuce.
  5. When you already have a homogeneous shake, add the green leaf and beat until well integrated.

If you find it too acidic, you can change the apples for Fuji or Pink Lady, or even for a very ripe banana.

3. Pomegranate smoothie with banana and cashew nuts

This shake is a vitamin C and antioxidant bomb. An extra help to our immune system that is great for us in times of colds and flu.

The pomegranate has a very short seasonality, so you can change it for red fruits or strawberries, in its fresh version or also in the frozen one. So you can enjoy the smoothie all year round.

Both pomegranate and berries have a high concentration of antioxidants. You will get proteins thanks to nutritional yeast and cashews.

The only problem we can have with the pomegranate is peeling it. I’m not going to fool you, you have to get the hang of it! You can also make juice with it, dividing it in half and squeezing it as if it were an orange. It couldn’t be easier!

Ingredients for one or two servings:

  • 1 peeled pomegranate
  • 1 medium ripe banana
  • 1 small orange
  • 1 handful of mint leaves
  • 1 level tablespoon nutritional yeast
  • 40 g cashews
  • Fresh water
  • Sweetener to taste


  1. Peel the pomegranate so that there are no white strands left.
  2. Peel the banana and dice it.
  3. Peel the orange and cut it into wedges, removing the strands.
  4. Wash the mint leaves well.
  5. Beat all the ingredients together, until it has a good texture
  6. Add enough water to whisk, but not runny.

Consume it as soon as possible and add, if you want, a level tablespoon of ground flax or chia, which will thicken it and give you a good dose of omega 3 acid and extra protein.

I have instructed you to sweeten to your liking because I understand that some of these shakes can create certain sweetness expectations. However, both bananas and fuji apples are sweet fruits that will give you that touch to look forward to without masking other flavors.

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