15 Morning Routines To Start The Day Right

A morning routine sets the course for a good day. If you design it consciously, adapting them to your tastes and needs, you ensure that you will enjoy more concentration and energy until the evening.
Woman stretching

Your alarm clock is already ringing for the tenth time, you manage to sit up and approach the shower sleepily, then you make yourself a quick coffee (without being very awake yet, the smile has not appeared on your face) and, with the thermos in your hand, you arrive just in time to catch the bus … This can be a typical start to the day and leaves a lot to be desired. If you are willing to improve it, we offer you some suggestions.

A perfect and invigorating morning routine step by step

The first hours are key to developing a good day. A proper morning routine can help avoid tiredness and bad moods and help us to offer the best of ourselves. The day will be more mindful, more relaxed and more productive.

While the same tips don’t work for everyone, we’ve put together some ideas to help you create your own personal morning wellness routine. The key is that you find it motivating, doable and useful.

1. Get enough sleep

A successful morning routine begins the night before – that is, by going to bed on time. Only people who get enough sleep are fit and productive the next day. An adult person needs between seven and nine hours to achieve this.

The regular schedule, going to bed and waking up at the same times seven days a week (yes, also Saturday and Sunday) makes the body’s biological cycles stabilize, sleep is deeper and more restful, and in the morning one you get up rested.

Set the hours so that you have enough time to eat breakfast, shower, and move calmly.

2. Say no to the snooze function

Experience shows that if we know that the alarm clock is going to go off again, we are going to stop it once, twice or three times before getting up. And the minutes that pass are no longer restful sleep, but wasted time.

Not only is it wasted time, when falling asleep again for a few minutes alters the normal process of transition from sleep to wakefulness, which entails changes in the production of hormones and neurotransmitters. The consequence is that we can feel tired the rest of the day.

It’s best to open your eyes wide and start stretching after the first ring. This signals to your body that the day is about to begin. Something similar happens in sports. A runner only starts training after they have warmed up.

3. Stay “in airplane mode” during your morning routine

Often the first thing in the morning is to turn on the phone and check social media. It makes more sense to ignore the mobile, as well as the laptop and the television.

Often times, the morning routine is one of those few moments throughout the day that you have to enjoy alone. WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram and company tend to distract you. It can help you to activate the airplane mode of the mobile phone at night or simply turn it off completely.

You can set a time from which you should check your emails, messages and news. Before that, the phone must be taboo.

4. Before eating something, brush your teeth

Brush your teeth before eating or drinking anything. According to the traditional Indian Ayurveda healing method , the body gets rid of toxins overnight, and eliminates them through the mouth. If you reach for the coffee pot immediately after waking up, these toxins found in your mouth will go directly to your body.

5. Drink water

After brushing your teeth, wait about half an hour and then drink a large glass of warm water. After six to eight hours of sleep , your body becomes dehydrated and needs to replace fluids. A good dose of water keeps your body alert and fit. It is a good idea to add a few drops of lemon juice to it.

6. The light wakes you up

Your body responds to changes in light. The darkness greatly favors me the sleep hormone melatonin is released. On the other hand, in the morning, the light cuts the melatonin. Therefore, immediately after waking up, open all the curtains and blinds and let the light enter the room. If it’s still dark outside when you need to wake up, a daylight lamp can help.

7. Create a pleasant environment for your morning routine

For many people, the immediate environment affects their inner workings. Therefore, make sure that your bedroom is tidy and that you feel comfortable in it. This calms you down during your morning routine and avoids stimuli and thoughts that revolve around ordering.

8. Find the silence

Take at least five minutes to practice mindfulness, meditate, or simply observe your thoughts. In this way, you will sharpen your conscience and you will be grateful for the rest of the day.

You can also set aside half an hour to do things that you would save for another time or that you would do quickly. Read an inspiring book or a magazine or newspaper article for example. You can also write down your focus for the day or three things you are grateful for.

9. Leave some time for your exercise routine

Exercise helps many people start the day with more energy. Twenty minutes of yoga, jogging, or some stretching exercises are sufficient.

10. Don’t skip the most important meal of the day

Make time for a healthy and filling breakfast. Its preparation can also be a conscious part of your morning routine. It can be a delicious muesli with seasonal fruit or a whole wheat bread with vegetable pate. You can complete it, for example, with a green tea and fresh homemade juice.

For many women, the days begin as a race against time. They rush out of the house with hair still damp from the shower, dry skin, and puffy eyelids.

A cup of coffee seems to be your only resource to get a little more energy at those hours when the body is required to go from rest to action in a short time.

But you can start the day much better and it is worth trying it because it modifies the way the day is approached.

It is about turning daily hygiene and skin care routines into a beauty and well-being ritual, a moment that deserves attention because it is dedicated to one’s own body, to oneself.

If it is not possible to carry out this routine every day, you can at least try it once in a while, or on weekends, for pleasure.

The recipe for looking good in the morning is above all to sleep the necessary hours. Sleep, more than creams, is what allows the skin to regenerate ; in fact, night treatments only support this natural process.

Washing your face when you wake up removes accumulated dirt, dead cells and sebaceous secretions, and prepares the way for any subsequent treatment to be more effective.

The essential is the moisturizer, but you can also apply regenerating serums, sunscreens or cosmetics designed to blur sleep marks, smooth the skin and reduce puffiness under the eyes. For this , coffee seeds are used in many cases , with an energizing action.

11. Dry brush

Before entering the shower, you can brush your body dry to exfoliate dead skin cells and activate circulation and the lymphatic system. The latter helps to eliminate toxins and stimulate the immune system.

All you need is a soft, long-handled, natural bristle brush to reach the least accessible areas. A horsehair glove can also work .

12. Take an invigorating shower

Taking a shower in the morning, even if it is not long, is an effective way to awaken the senses and activate circulation. It is highly advisable to finish the shower with cold water.

Five minutes of dry massage before showering, with a soft brush or a horsehair glove, revitalize circulation and stimulate lymphatic flow, therefore, in addition to detoxifying, they serve to prevent and improve cellulite.

The massage is performed with circular movements, always in the direction of the heart : downwards when the shoulders and upper back are brushed and upwards in the arms and legs.

For the shower, it is preferable not to use very hot water, which dries the skin and weakens the tissues. One option is to conclude it with a brief application of cold water, after which the body reacts by activating blood and lymphatic circulation.

Gels with mild foaming agents are recommended . Surfactants that come from sugar, for example, respect skin balance and are 100% biodegradable.

With the skin still damp, a vegetable oil rich in essential fatty acids can be spread over the body , which protect the skin and leave it soft and velvety.

13. Make yourself a lemon drink

A good way to start the day is to prepare a cup of hot water with a lemon wedge or its freshly squeezed juice.

Lemon supports liver functions and strengthens the immune system. In addition, its vitamin C participates in the synthesis of collagen, a basic protein in connective tissue.

14. Massage to reduce dark circles and bags

Lack of sleep favors the stagnation of fluids under the eyes, in the form of bags and dark circles.

To facilitate its drainage, you can gently tap the area with your fingertips, and also apply a specific gel for the eye contour, which illuminates and decongests.

15. Revive your complexion in two gestures

After washing and drying your face, you can apply a revitalizing treatment that blurs sleep marks, reduces puffiness and awakens tired skin.

Then it is essential to apply a moisturizing cream that nourishes and protects.

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