13 Gestures To Feel Better Every Day

The feeling of well-being does not fall from the sky, most of the time it is the result of small daily efforts.

Commitment, conscious choice and predisposition to change are the starting point to achieve maximum well-being. Every day you can incorporate gestures into your usual routine to increase your well-being. Here are some of them:

13 gestures that bring you daily well-being

1. Eat in company

Cultivating positive relationships and reinforcing family and friendship ties with long after-meals stimulates our emotions and brings us well-being.

2. Reserve an afternoon to disconnect

Taking time for yourself and giving yourself moments of harmony (a relaxing massage, a long movie afternoon, taking care of the plants) helps to disconnect from the daily routine and relax in body, mind and spirit.

3. Wish a ‘happy day’

Something as simple and elementary as incorporating this phrase in emails can predispose us to live a day with greater optimism, both for ourselves and for the people who receive our message.

4. Let go of the old

Certain objects remind us of past experiences that do not leave room for new ones. Getting rid of them will make us feel more free.

5. Breathe consciously

Feeling how the air enters and leaves the lungs, slowly, how the abdomen swells and deflates, provides an immediate feeling of well-being and is very useful to calm down in times of stress.

6. Relax the muscles

Enhance the dialogue with your muscles by contracting and relaxing them (closing and opening your fists, stretching and relaxing your toes …). Observing the difference between one state and another can help to identify the moments in which we are tense.

7. Practice visualizations

Closing your eyes and mentally traveling to that special place that relaxes us (the sea, the mountains, the forest …) can bring us serenity.

8. Count to 10

It is a classic tool to reduce impulsivity, and helps not to lose control in tense and nervous moments.

9. Walk without more

We can focus on what we feel as we walk, putting worries aside. Perceiving the contact of the feet with the ground, the wind that refreshes us … this is how the senses and the ability to enjoy the present are stimulated.

10. Perceive yourself

Waiting moments, for example at a traffic light, are a unique opportunity to listen to yourself, observing your breath or your emotions.

11. Eat without distractions

When was the last time you ate in silence, with no other distractions? Taking time to savor food and enjoy it with sight and smell activates the senses and increases well-being.

12. Pay attention to sounds

Everyday sounds can serve as a reminder so that the mind does not travel to the future or the past. When you listen to them, focus on the here and now.

13. Surround yourself with natural beauty

Our life passes between asphalt, car smoke and polluted skies. Going into nature and enjoying natural beauty and sunlight is an easy way to achieve well-being. It has been studied that living surrounded by vegetation fills us with harmony and fullness.

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