10 Foods To Stop Diarrhea And Recover

The best diet against diarrhea

Diarrhea is not a disease, but a symptom that can have one or more causes. One of them can be an infection by viruses, bacteria or parasites.

But diarrhea can also be due, often, to alterations of the intestinal microbiota, digestive weakness or liver discharges produced by a nervous alteration, stress or the consumption of very greasy foods.

A common recommendation is to eat a soft diet. But we can also regulate our diet taking into account these guidelines:

What foods to avoid

While the episode of diarrhea lasts, it is recommended to avoid foods rich in non-fermentable fiber, such as whole grains, legumes or highly fibrous vegetables…. This type of food stimulates intestinal transit.

It is also not advisable to consume foods rich in fat, dairy or large intestine irritants, such as spicy or caffeine.

What can you eat

Yes will be useful starchy foods such as boiled white rice or root crops like carrots or boiled turnip.

Other foods can be valuable for their contribution of minerals or astringent substances, such as ripe bananas or grated apple.

Introducing probiotic foods that help balance the intestinal flora will also be useful. Umeboshi plums in paste form or miso are an example.

In addition, it is advisable to distribute the intakes throughout the day by taking frequent and small intakes.

Sometimes it may be necessary to take a probiotic supplement.

Beware of dehydration!

It is easy that if the diarrhea lasts several days dehydration occurs, so you have to replace fluids and minerals. Of course, you have to avoid fruit juices, cold drinks and sugar-rich soft drinks.

A vegetable broth or an infusion of kukicha tea can be a very good option. Also an infusion of kuzu, or kuzu root diluted in water or in a juice without sugar, which will also help you stabilize the digestive system.

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