10 Benefits Of Going For A Walk At Least Once A Day

Preventing almost all chronic diseases is as easy as walking. We explain the main positive effects on health and how to choose good footwear.
Walking benefits

According to the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, walking reduces the risk of any chronic disease. From joint pain, to heart and vascular problems, to obesity, stress or depression.

Although running is very fashionable, many health professionals prefer that we walk, especially if we are not in excellent physical condition. Walking puts less stress on the joints, but at a good pace it produces all the benefits of an aerobic activity.

And you don’t need special equipment, apart from good shoes. For each trip that you have to make, assess if you can do it walking instead of using a means of transport.

The benefits of walking for your health

The list could be much longer, but these are the benefits you can get from walking daily and with enough speed.

  1. Strengthens the heart. Brisk walking for half an hour lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of having a heart attack by 27%.
  2. Control the weight. Calories are consumed and changes occur at the metabolic level. The effect is proportional to speed.
  3. Preserve memory. It prevents the degeneration of the hippocampus, an area of ​​the brain related to memory and learning. Reduces the risk of neurological diseases by up to 40%.
  4. Stronger bones. They strengthen (the minerals that compose them are fixed) with each step you take. The joints also benefit.
  5. Tones the muscles. The legs are shaped and the glutes, the back muscles, the abdomen and the arms are strengthened. It is a complete exercise.
  6. Improve mood. Endorphins are secreted that produce euphoria. The more intense the exercise, the more powerful the effect.
  7. Cut down on sugar. A short walk after each meal reduces the risk of diabetes.
  8. Stimulates immunity. Exercising in the fall and winter protects you against colds and the flu.
  9. Promotes sleep. Especially if you run outside every day first thing in the morning.
  10. And lengthen life! A daily walk lengthens life an average of seven years! According to the University of Saarland (Germany).

Choose your footwear well

You have already seen that walking is an incredible exercise for health, but do not do it in any way. It is very important that you wear proper footwear. These are the secrets of good footwear that respect the needs of your feet:

  • Toes: they require at least 5 mm of space inside the shoe to avoid blisters, hardness and deformation.
  • Sole: the footwear must be flexible to allow the natural movement of the foot. Otherwise there will be painful tensions and compensations.
  • Heel: it is the area that receives the greatest impact. Try to keep it soft and avoid shoes with more than 12 mm of unevenness. It may be a good idea to wear cushioned insoles in this area. You will find them in sports stores.
  • Arch: This region of the foot is your natural shock absorber. The arch should be marked and stable in the template.
  • Achilles tendon: can suffer if the height of the heel is less than 8 mm.

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